qProtect Yearly

Program qProtect Yearly 1.12.0

qProtect - Disclosure agreement
Current TOS: Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 10:54:58pm GMT+1
Please pay attention when reading the Terms of Service ("TOS", "Terms") before you continue to the use of our Software ("Service", "Product", "Copy") operated by qTechnologies ("us", "we", "our", "i"). By accessing or using our Service, you agree to be bound by the TOS, if you do not agree with our TOS you are not permitted to use our Service and/or interact with our services abilities ("detections", "support", "licensing").

Terms legally defined:
Term 1). You ("the customer", "the affiliate", "the reader") must be of legal age (18+) in your country or state region or have permission from your parent/guardian to purchase and/or use this Service.

Term 2). Attempting to receive your money in a form called "Chargeback" will result in an immediate termination of your access to qProtect. We do not offer "refunds" for this product unless told otherwise.

Term 3). Re-distributing ("leaking", "sharing", "re-posting", "re-publishing", "spreading") the service, will result in a termination of your access to the Service.

Term 4). De-obfuscating ("un-hiding", "un-protecting", "dumping", "cracking") the service, will result in a termination of your access to the Service.

Term 5). We are not liable for any damage caused by the act of attempting to re-distribute ("leak", "share", "post") your access to the service or access the obfuscated ("hidden", "protected", "private") code of the service, nor are we liable for the repercussions that may happen due to you leaking your access to the service.

Term 6). We are not liable for any damage caused by the attempted use of a re-distributed ("leaked", "shared", "posted") access to the service or de-obfuscated ("un-hidden", "un-protected", "dumped") code and/or jar(s) ("loader", "dumped jar') nor are we liable for the repercussions that may happen due to you using a leaked version of the service.

Term 7). We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service indefinitely without announcement and without re-agreement, you ("the customer", "the affiliate", "the reader') are held liable for keeping up to date with our terms/rules

Term 8). No refunds once you have passed the allotted time given to you by the "5.A Refund Policy".

Term 9). You agree to this by starting ("launching", "loading", "enabling", "running", "downloading") a copy of any of our digital products ("qProtect") or by posting a message inside our private ("buyer only", "customer only", "affiliate only") discord server.

1.A Termination - We reserve the right to terminate ("kill", "end", "suspend") your access to our service immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason, including without limitation if you breach the TOS.

1.B Indemnity Clause - You ("the customer", "the affiliate", "the reader") agree that you will be responsible for your use of the software, website, discord, and any other product/project you might obtain that is related to or affiliated with qProtect, and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless qTechnologies and its directors, affiliates and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses arising out of or in any way connected with your access to, use of, or alleged use of the software, website, discord, and any other product/project you might obtain that is related to or affiliated with qProtect.

2.A Ownership - You ("the paying customer", "the customer") are held accountable as the legal owner ("the legal administrator") of your access to qProtect and due to that if any malicious actions occur to your copy of the service you will be held accountable and punished based off the actions that occurred. Redistributing the service is not allowed and is required that you contact an official qTechnologies admin to verify that you are allowed to redistribute to any person(s).

2.B Privacy - We choose to reserve the right to keep our intellectual property ("design(s)", "code", "service") hidden behind Java Obfuscation and therefore take action upon any interaction with the Obfuscated code (of our intellectual property) that we ("the administration") view as malicious. If said incident is to occur the administration that holds rights to qProtect will at that point decide the fate ("outcome") of said user's punishment for their actions.

3.A User protection agreement - You ("the customer", "the affiliate", "the reader") are not allowed to release ("post", "share", "leak", "give out", "publish", "spread") any information posted into the official qTechnologies discord and/or any user ("customer", "reader", "affiliate") that is in this discord. All users ("customers", "readers", "affiliates") in this discord are requiring that their information related to them being in or involved with this discord and/or service to be private. If you decide to leak information like this we will terminate your access to the service.

4.A Data Collection - We collect information such as starts (program startup), IP(s), verifications any and all error(s) log(s) related to our software, along with any and all actions taken in the form of an interaction between any party and our Software. We have decided to collect the logs and connection times of specific users ("persons", "players") due to tendencies that they ("persons", "players") have. We also collect any and all attempts to dump ("De-obfuscate") our service, and/or failure to load the plugin ("service") without the key ("License") and the attempted use of a disabled ("killed", "terminated", "ended", "suspended") copy ("service".)

5.A Refund Policy - We have a 2 day refund policy for any issues that might happen making qProtect incompatible with your software.​